Sunday, December 10, 2023

God Always Shows Up

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

When your daughter is facing her third brain surgery in seven years, this can be a challenging verse to live up to. There are days the weight of my unanswered prayer feels impossible to carry, much less carry with a smile. Anxiety builds and the smallest thing can trigger a spiral of doubt and cascading fear. 

Still, every day, I see God moving in our lives. Opening a door that seemed closed, clearing a path that was blocked, nudging me forward with a text, and sending me direction when I clear the noise and stop to listen.  

I do not always display the faith of the Shunammite woman who confidently stated,  “All is well,” on the heels of her son’s perceived death, but my faith remains unshaken. God does not always show up the way I want or expect, but he always shows up. He shelters me on my darkest days, pushes me on me weakest days and forgives me on my worst days. 

God always shows up. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Beloved! How we are lifting you to the Heavens and holding space for each of you! Feel our hugs and my sloppy kisses! Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer!


The Social Media Pulpit

  I joined social media over a decade ago to reconnect with friends and family I had lost touch with while crisscrossing the country for 26...